ReefGroup's avatar
Experienced Cover User
12 years ago

Report: Job [Budget Analysis] - Show budget value if no transactions are associated with account

Currently when you print the Job Profit & Loss Report with budget figures only accounts that actually have transactions entered into them will display in the report.  Accounts that have a zero balance and no transactions entered into them do not display even though a budget figure has been entered into the Jobs Budget by Accounts for that job.


This causes an inaccurate Job Profit & Loss Report as the full budget figures are not displayed for each job.


"Job Profit & Loss Report Budget Figures"




  • Jobs [Budget Analysis]


    This report still has a number of errors or bugs


    Back Ground – How we use this report


    When we price a house we have 120 Purchase Orders, the collective value of which makes up the Build Cost of the House. 


    The Purchase Order number incorporates the same number as the respective Cost of Sale code within the Chart of accounts within the 5000 series but prefixed by the Job number also generated thru MYOB.


    For example – Roof, which has a code is 5-0134 within our Cost of Sale Chart of Accounts looks like this on our PO Order  8020/0134.   (JobNo / CostCentre)


    This amount then becomes our cost (budget) and is entered into MYOB Jobs / Budgets. 


    When the invoices arrive and are entered thru Purchases the collective value of all the invoices using the MYOB Code 5-0134 makes up the cost price of the roof (Actual).   


    The Jobs [Budget Analysis] report then shows the variance (Budget v Actual) and this Variance is the important information to  us.  We want 0% variance.  We will generally allow a 1.25% variance but if the variance is greater we need to investigate to ensure that the Trade / Supplier is not tucking us or that we have not made an error in our calculations.  


    This is our Back Costing process and is an extremely important tool for us.  This is where we look to see if we are on track and are making or losing money.


    Problems with the Report


    Even after the recent upgrade bugs still exists.


    1. If no budget amount is entered into respective cost code but an invoice is subsequently entered against the code – the cost code will not appear in the report.


    1. To correct this we go back into the budget and enter .01c.  The report then shows as


                Cost Centre             Budget         Actual                   Variance             %Var

                Concrete Paths      $0.01             $11,974.96            $11,974.95        119,749,500.0%

    1. If we then go back into Budgets and remove that .01 c the report corrects itself and looks like this


                   Cost Centre             Budget         Actual                   Variance             %Var

                   Concrete Paths      $0.00             $11,974.96            $11,974.95       NA


    What we presently have to do is enter .01c into every Cost centre that does not have a budget amount allocated to it to ensure that it appears in the report.  This is important because if an invoice is entered via Purchases and it is unbudgeted this report has to show the amount and variance.


    Have attached 2 pdf showing the examples of the issues above. 


    Here from you soon.



    • Nic-acc-addons's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi Garry,


      It sounds by the looks of it that you are using MYOB AccountRight Live 2013.  If you are using AccountRight 19.9 or lower, our product should be able to produce the report you require using the data from MYOB.


      If you are on AccountRight Live 2013, i suggest you give our product a try or keep it on the back of your mind as we should be able to produce your report very shortly (the job API has recently been added to MYOB).


      While this may mean additional costs, we can actually tailor a report to suit your exact requirements (formats, display, columns, etc.).


      Feel free to contact us to discuss further.


      Best of luck.


      Lead Developer at Accounting Addons

      Visit us at
      Phone us on 1300 ADDONS (1300 233667)

    • CompassHomes's avatar
      Cover User



      Thans for your response


      Yes we are using MYOB AccountRight Live 2013.  We have 6 Licenses, 3 of which are actually building Companies requiring this report.


      Have you any idea of the time frame, to have this report available.  You mentioned additional costs, is that a cost we have to pay ... and two how or who do we contact to have this report actually tailoured to suit our needs.  Can I have email address as a contact.





    • Nic-acc-addons's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi Garry,


      You can email me at


      There could be costs you would have to pay for the customisation/consulting to build and tailor your report. There may also be costs to purchase the product but it is possible this would fall under functionality available in the free platform.


      The first step would be to have a more thorough discussion of what you need so we can clarify the costs side of things.



  • CDM's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    The AR Premier 19 used to have the option of inserting job wise budget amounts in line with the actuals and YTD. The AR online version does not have this feature. I suggest inclusion of this feature as we have moved to the online version now and it will be a more difficult task now to do this reporting than before.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    From AccountRight 2015.1, the Job [Budget Analysis] report (and other job budgets reports) will now show the budgeted value when no transaction has been associated with that account.