- BernadetteBCover User
It would be really handy if the "allocation memo" could be added as an available column in the Job Transaction (Accrual) Report.
The reason being, the Job Transaction (Accrual) report is one of the few reports that has
Beginning Balance : -$381,183.19 Net Activity : $13,316.66 Ending Balance : -$367,866.53 at the end of the report. It is really handy for clients to be able to see this format. But unfortunately the allocation memo is an option as an additional column. The allocation memo column adds additional details that are not included in the Memo line, that relate specifically to the individual lines of the transaction.
- JosieMYOB Staff
Needs an area for "description" or an "allocation Memo" known in V19
- TheGlebeMgmtContributing Cover User
In the previous version 19.5 this report has an allocation memo field which doesn't appear in v2016. Can I please have this field to allow me to report as previous
- Jennifer_KellySuper Partner
Hi TheGlebeMgmt
If you look at the Job Detail report I think you will find the Allocation Memo.
You may need to Modify to Show the field if it does not appear first up.
- HeatherDBSExperienced Cover User
I support this request - it was an option in V19 (classic) and we were using it almost daily...
- Mary13Contributing Cover User
One further question (or suggestion) -
In the Job Activity Detail report could we have a balance, or
in the Job Transactions Accrual report could we have the Allocation Memo.
As it is we will still have to run 2 reports.
Many thanks for all your help!
- NereidaExperienced Cover User
I vote for including an overall balance please
- DeCover User
I agree as builders we need the Allocation Memo in the Job Transactions (Acurral) report. This helps with detail descriptions of what we was purchased on the job. Was in the previous release and cant' see why it's not in AccountRight Live 2015.1
- PQPAustCover User
Version 19 showed the Allocation Memo in the report - this is now not available as a Add/Hide option in the Job Activity (detail) report. I sucks as I cannot see what the items are line by line in the purchase or sale, and the column "Memo"is useless - it needs to be supplier or customer name, and the Description from sales or purchases. Please fix, I'm very disappointed in AccountRight 2019.4.
- J-HExperienced Cover User
Hi PQPAust,
I agree in regard to the "line by line: in the purchase or sale.
We use the Job Transactions [Accrual] for all projects and have to oncharge materials etc to our clients in a detailed format.
MYOB - can you please look at this - we use your software because of the job-costing and prior to using accountright we had Premier 19 the Job cost transaction report was excellent as it was line by line as per the invoice. Now it has all the different materials from each line crammed into one line and a total at the end. Using Items is not acceptable for the style of our business.
We have been using a custom report from "Payables-Purchase Invoice Check [Supplier Detail] but there is no additional filter to select a "Job No" so having a large number of Projects/Jobs it takes a lot of hours to export to excel and manipulated the date to provide the information required.
I have flagged this problem for since moving to Accountright 2016 and have seen many other users with the same problems - can you please make the
Job Cost area work properly?!
- Barry_CMYOB Staff
Hi LC,
Thanks for your feedback. You are right the allocation memo appears to have been removed from the Jobs transaction report in AccountRight 2013. I will make sure this is raised with our Developers to be fixed in a later update.
- ASWatCRPartner
I hope this can be addressed ASAP.
- Mark_SmithFormer StaffStatus changed:NewtoOpen
- Ski30Experienced Cover User
The sooner this is implemented the better.
- HeatherDBSExperienced Cover User
4 years since the original request was submitted. Obviously not a high priority with only 22 votes but pretty annoying for those 22 users and countless others who don't bother to access the forum or don't know it exists.
- TCNRWCover User
We have just updated to the new online version and now discovered that a report that we use on a daily basis is no longer available to us and there is no viable work around for it!! Not Happy!!
Can MYOB please add back in the "Allocation Memo" field to the Job Transactions Report ASAP!!
This report allows us to obtain a detailed list of materials purchased for a job by providing the "Description/Allocation Memo" field from the entered purchase. We would usually then extract and then sort the data by our entries made in the "Comments" field of each purchase.
I have found that the Job Activity Detail Report seems to bring up the "Description" field from the Purchases Register but then has no option to add the "Comments" field.
The failure of MYOB to include this in the new online version will add significant time and cost to our business operations.
- Nada_1977Partner
MYOB used to include the allocation memo on the Job Transactions Accrual report that was quite handy to see the manuall entered descriptions on the income and cost of sales coded to each job.
This is handy when you want to know why costs were higher then usual or why a discount was given.
Not sure why it was brought forward on other job reports and not this one as this one shows the net position on each job.
Need it back please!
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