DKP's avatar
Trusted Cover User
9 years ago

Report: Payroll Verification - Show zero dollar amounts

Hello Developers


Any chance we can get the Leave Without Pay category to show up on the Payroll Verification Report.  I realise it results in a zero $$ line, that is probalby why it is not showing, but it would be most beneficial to me if it did.




"Payroll Verification report and LWOP"


  • Have to agree with everyone here. Our payrolls are checked off by Director and Assistant Director and the Unpaid categories do not show on the Verification report. 


    This was first flagged with you in 2015. How long do we have to wait for a fix for this issue?

  • Hello Developers

    Please can you arrange for any unpaid leave eg Covid Standown to show on Payroll verification reports.

    Thank you.


  • I have this issue as well and also have people on partial stand down due to Covid-19.  I have set up a payroll category for these hours to allow for the correct calculation of leave accrual but it doesn't show on the payroll verification as it is a $0.

  • Hello,


    I found this from 2015 and it appears that Unpaid or Leave Without Pay still does not show up in the Payroll Verification Report - any chance this could happen in the future?  It would be awesome if we could get the "zero" lines to show on this report so we don't have to keep referring to individual payslips and only refer to the reports.


    Thanks so much.

  • Tash2019's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Yes totally agree - so frustrating that they have removed this feature from the payroll verification report!

  • This also needs to show up on the payroll register reports.  It will save trawling back through years of wages sheets to find out how much unpaid leave is taken, as you need to know when you are doing proper LSL calculations out of MYOB.

  • It would be great if all zero$ line items would show up and one could modify the report to show or not show the items. 

  • JoanneSw's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It would also be helpful to show the Calc. Rate on this report, ie the hourly rate.

  • We have a payroll category for any unpaid time (leave, Overtime etc). When we run the pay details report to check against everyone’s time sheets it doesn’t show up, so we then have to go into each person’s employee card who does have anything unpaid and manually write on the pay details report how many hours.The old Premier V19 MYOB use to show this. Is there a way to get this onto the report? We need this ASAP