Jules01's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Profit & Loss - Show changes in previous period

For managment reporting purposes it would be really good to have a report which compared say the previous month or previous quarter and provided the actual increase/decrease and also the percentage increase/decrease, to highlight any fluctuations in the current year.


"Reports - prior period profit and loss with % & $ increase/decrease"


  • Hi 


    You might like to look at some of the Add-on reporting solutions to get this type of flexible reporting.  See http://myob.com.au/addons/category/3/advanced-reporting/


    As an example our solution Business Intelligence for MYOB can report this kind of Comparison report out of the box with the following options:


    - Can compare up to 4 pairs of customisable dates ( e.g. MTD This Yr v Last year and YTD This Year v Last year etc)

    - Can show $ and % difference

    - Can report on P&L, Jobs, Sales (Item, Customers, Sales rep etc), Purchases

    - Export to Excel to further manipulat

    - Setup report to auto email daily, weekly or monthly


    All details including a 14 day free trial are on our website at www.BIforMYOB.com.


    I hope this helps.


    Jennifer Kelly CA

    BI for MYOB


    Following is a screen shot of a simple This month v Last month.


    Comparison P&L .png


    These are the Standard date options you can choose from, or you can enter any fixed dates.


    Compare Any Periods.png



  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Hello Jules01 


    Thank you for the reporting increase/decrease option. I can see how this would be very helpful with any business.

    If there is anything more that needs to be added to this idea please do comment and make sure you vote on the left hand side.


    Kind regards,



  • MYOB needs to get this feature added as soon as possible. To have comparative only limited to full financial year only is ridiculous. It was available in MYOB premier, now its gone.

    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner

      HI AaronPerth


      I understand that losing a feature is frustrating, but just wanted to let you know that many of the Add-on solutions will be able to provide a Comparison P&L by Month not just full year, along with many other flexible reporting options. See - https://www.myob.com/au/addons/.


      As an example our Business Intelligence software - BI4Cloud comes with an All in One P&L that includes:


      • Month to Date
        - Actual
        - Budget
        - Variance $
        - Variance %
        - Actual Last Year
      • Year to Date
        - Actual
        - Budget
        - Variance $
        - Variance %
        - Actual Last Year
      • Full Year
        - Forecast (Actual up to Month to date + Balance of budget for remaining months) 
        - Budget
        - Variance $
        - Variance %


      While this is more columns than most people would want on one report you can simply Hide any that you don't want and save that as your own Favourite report. You can even Schedule it to auto email each day, week or month.

      Further details - https://support.bi4cloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/219510487-P-L-Forecast-Report-the-Ultimate-Month-End-report


      We also have the same report running on Jobs (using BI4Cloud you can enter monthly Job budgets too).


      Infact you can Compare any custom range of dates e.g. Last quarter this yr v last year etc. in our standard Comparison reports.


      Do take the 14 day free trial and I can show you how it will look running on your data.

      All details and pricing at bi4cloud.com.


      I hope that helps.

      Jennifer Kelly CA