Theresemary's avatar
Contributing Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Reconciliation Report - Shows employee address instead of payee

When doing bank reconciliations, the bank reconciliation report shows the cheque payee  as the employee address or memo instead of the person the cheque was written to.


  • Geejay's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Whils we are able to choose the Memo, Payee, Name or Memo/Payee field in the reconciliation report, Paycheques only display the employees address for Payee.  This means a Custom report has to be created using the Name field.  The disadvantage of this is that the report cannot be printed from the Reconciliation screen.  A simple fix would be to include the employees name as part of the Payee field.  Please consider.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    I'm pleased to announce that with the release of AccountRight 2017.2 the Reconcile Accounts window and reports will correctly show the Payee or Memo of the transactions depending on the Banking preference - Display Payee, Rather Than Memo, in Register and Reports.


    You can find out more information about this and other changes, including information on obtaining AccountRight 2017.2 from AccountRight 2017.2 now available

  • bjm's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Ditto, I would prefer to see Payee (or Card) then Memo on top of my Bank Reconciliation screen.  I have tried ticking and unticking the Display Payee rather than Memo option but this only seems to relate to reports not the bank rec. screen.

  • Glad to see this is on the planned list. It would be great to be able to customise the bank rec further.  We would like to be able to add in the account code as an extra column, so our accountant can look over the bank rec data entry and check the coding.

  • Hi Guys,


    Is it possible to either change the column header of the Bank Reconciliation page to same as v19 or give us a choice. The transaction description column on 'Live' is the Memo that appears on the transaction.  I find this difficult to find transactions when there is a large volumn and the memo has eg: Fruit & Vege.  Instead of the who the payment was made to.  You can only match the amount and not both.  If you have multiple transactions for the same product but different suppliers you have to drill into each one to match them and make sure you have selected the right one.



  • Theresemary's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Thanks for your suggestions, however this won't work for me either as the memo section is used for another purpose and therefore not available for the payees name. I'll be glad when you fix this problem.

  • Status changed:
    Thank you for your feedback, this is an error on how the program works and is not feature that we have changed. It is something that we are aware of an will be correcting in a future update, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime there are two options you can go with to get the name to appear: In Payroll Details->Standard Pay->Type the persons name as the Memo. OR In 'Setup menu->Preferences->Banking' Untick the option "Display Payee, Rather than Memo in Registers"