Jillybean's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Recurring Transaction List - Show dollar amounts

Would it be possibe to change the recurring transaction list report to include the amount of the recurring transaction and a total of all recurring transactions?


"Recurring Transaction List Report with $ amounts"


  • ericm2's avatar
    Experienced User


    New to MYOB and looking to see if anyone can help.


    We have a lot of recurring invoices.  What I need is a report (and preferably be able to export to Excel) to show Transaction Name, Frequency, Next Due and Amount.  Essentially what's shown on the Recurring Transaction List window.  The problem with the standard report is that it doesn't show the amount.


    Is there a way of access the database?  Is there an Add-On that I could use?

    If I can get that data into a CSV file, I'd be a happy chappy.





    • Sue-AFSL's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I agree - it's weird not to have that field available in that report.

    • ericm2's avatar
      Experienced User

      Sue-AFSL yeah and they keep talking about "oh it's not a transaction until it's been created"... well some users would like to use that data for other purposes.  So shortsighted .  Rant over. hehehe.  I beelive people have been requesting this since 2015 (or even earlier).  I guess MYOB just doesn't listen.



    • Sue-AFSL's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      So MANY MYOB reports cannot be tailored to add the field you want to them - and sometimes when they appear to offer it they only offer a substitute.  I guess I should I offer an example - I have item invoices to which I add items - in order to code the account code and set price etc - but then overwrite the line description with more detailed information than the item description can offer and differes for every transaction line, but I cannot retrieve that information in a MYOB report (not that I can find anyway, though I have looked at a few different angles)  Irritating. 

      More accurately described and sourced firlds in reporting, as options, would be great.

  • Carmel_M's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Would be great to be able to generate a recurring sales transaction report with sales value and be able to pick the month you want to filter.  This would be great for projected income unless there is another way to get this information.

  • ericm2's avatar
    Experienced User
    I've just moved from a different software to MYOB and am disappointed that this is not available. Currently I have to maintain this information in a spreadsheet - less than ideal. C'mon MYOB... this request has been made since 2015!! We need this information to do projections and budgeting.
  • Melmo's avatar
    Experienced User

    MYOB - why can I NOT run the above list showing monthly $$.  Useless report without it !