NeilA's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: Invoice rounding on unit price

Description: We are selling in units of each
with unit cost say.08112 and when printing the invoice it only shows a rounded
number where the extension is correct to the quantities sold but customers are
checking the price on the invoice and recalculating and reducing the invoice
value and short paying. I have had a couple of phone conversations with Myob help line and are told it cant be fixed ! Surely it can? as we sell everything
by each and the parts in cents. I don't really want to give money away and
understand the customers point of view but it is costing me money now can
someone look into it or someone suggest a soloution? I have put a comment on the invoices saying it rounds up
at point of invoicing but they still deduct and short pay. thanks Neil


"invoice rounding"


  • Hi Bil 

    I'm sorry to hear that you have had trouble in regards to getting that item invoice to show 4 decimal places.

    The AccountRight 2015.1, which is the most recent version, that did allow for this feature to occur so there are some issues that are still coming to light in regards to migrated forms and other types of forms. In saying that migration of custom forms is not full proof, its designed to bring through the customise forms from older versions to newer ones. Its up to the client to make sure that the migration has been completed correctly and has the correct data on it.

    However thank you for the feedback, I have shared it with the team

  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thank you Steve. It now shows SIX decimal places (would have preferred 4 but six is better than two!).


    Thank you for your help and support, and please consider my suggestion to create a support note on this issue to save everyone the time and trouble of going through the forum.


    One final question on this issue. After creating the new invoice template from your Plan Paper invoice, I now find that the Quantity column does NOT have comma separators any more. (In my imported invoice, it did.) I don't see anything anywhere to change that. I checked the font (Ariel 11) which is the same on the old form (yes commas) and new form (no commas).


    All previous versions of MYOB had comma separators in this field. We often sell up to 200,000 pieces of a single item so the comma separater in the quantity field is highly desireable if you can help, please.


    Thank you,


  • Hi Bil 

    You are welcome, I'm glad to hear that you have managed to get those decimal places to appear. 

    The comma in the quantity value is residual information when you have migrated that form across to the  new AccountRight. Forms generated in AccountRight 2015 would not contain that information and not be able to display that information with a comma.

    So its a bit of an either or situation, you can either have the four decimal places for the price (and no quantity) OR use a migrated form to get the comma in the quantity (and no have the four decimal places in the price).

  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    How embarrassing?! The AccountRight  Unit Price collumn has commas and the AccountRight Amount collomn has commas, and in every previous version of MYOB the Qty colloumn had commas. Now you are saying that your new, improved software cannot dispay commas in the Qty field. How utterly bizarre and embarassing. That is something that I encourage you to address. And what you are calling 4 decimals in the Unit Price collumn is in fact SIX. Better than two, but it would be nice if we had control over how many digits were displayed (and commas). Come on're supposed to be world leaders in bussiness software.

  • Hi Bil 

    Thank you for your feedback. The ability for the comma not to show in the Quantity column is something that I have passed onto the team to address in a future release of the software. The reason why it does display in the Unit and Amount column is because those columns are classified as currency therefore do contain a comma.

    As mention I have passed that comma not showing in the Quantity column to the required team to investigate further.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With the release of AccountRight 2015.1 forms created in this version will show 4 decimal places for the Unit Price. This will provide a more accurate Unit Pirce and Total Price on the printed invoice for customers.


    For example: AccountRight 2013.5 - manual calculation of Quantity x Unit price on printed invoice would be $8.343 (or $8.34 rounded)




    AccountRight 2017.1 - manual calculation of Quantity x Unit price on printed invoice would be $8.35536 (or $8.36 rounded)


  • Deestress's avatar
    Experienced Partner



    My client would like to enter the unit price as four decimal places (.3526) however he would like it to appear on his purchase order when printed as rounded to two decimal places (.35) - is this possible?  Using version 2017.2


    Thank you

  • Hi Deestress

    AccountRight 2015.1 (and onwards) will show the take the unit value on the Enter Sales window and add it onto the printed/emailed invoice. This is up to 6 decimal places. For example, if you do enter a unit value of 0.1234 on the Enter Sales window the printed/emailed invoice will show 0.1234 for the unit cost. 


    It is a straight copy you are unable to set it to be displayed as x number of decimal places.

  • Problem with Sales Invoice  rounding since v 2019.2

    Our Invoices now show decimal points from 4 to 6, really annoying and looks sub standard when sending onto clients, yes we can change manually however some of our invoices have anything from 10 to 20 seperate lines