Corrie_P's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Sales Register: Closed Invoices - Add Promised date column

We are looking for a more efficient way to date our orders for delivery, however I have come up against a few hurdles.


1. Currently when you are in the tab for open invoices you can see the invoices that have had a promise date applied. This is not the case for closed invoices. Is there a way you can customise the closed invoices tab to show an additional line?


2. Can you run a sales report that searches for the promise dates that are blank?


3. We need to email and print a packing slip at the same time, but currently once you have sent an invoice via email it closes the page, can you change any default settings so that it stays open?




"improved dating methods"


  • Thank you for your idea, currently you can not customise the closed invoice tab to show the promised date field.  However you can customise the Sales Register Detail [All Sales] report to show the Promised Date field and you can also customise the sorting of this report so all sales where the Promised Date is empty will appear on the top.  You can then save this as a custom report so that you do not have to make this customisation each time.


    promised date.PNG



    There is a preference that allows you to print both the invoice and th packing slip in one step when the invoices is recorded.  I don't think this is exactly what you are looking for though as this will not given you the option to email the packing slip.


    packing slips.PNG


    I think this would be a useful enhancement to the product and I encourgae other to vote if they see value.


    Thank you very much for your suggestion.



  • Status changed:
    Many thanks for your suggestion, Corrie. As Dale mentions below, we agree that these would be useful enhancements to the product and encourage others to vote and add their comments about more efficient ways to date orders.