jenniek's avatar
Ultimate Partner
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Ability to enter transactional line without $0.00 appearing

I would prefer to see the old way of using blank lines come back - I use item layout where I have items setup for Job Number/Job Name etc - these become searchable items and useful, however now I can't use them because a blank $0.00 on every line in the invoiuce - I can use "blank lines" in some cases - but these aren't searchable. Bring back the old way.


"$0.00 on every blank line"


  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi guys,

    In the classic version, I used an item code for things like job number/job name and could use find transactions by item which was much quicker than current methods. I actually didn't know about Ctl Shift F. Being searchable wasn't really the point - just an added advantage - I wanted the 0.00 on each line gone. Not everyone uses items for chargeable items. eg: I have a mechanic who uses items for std descriptions - not always with amounts charged.

    I found (and am still finding) data entry a longer process that it used to be in the classic version.

    I don't like the idea that the blank screens are not exportable - as per Tony's post above. When you export for whatever reason - it should export the whole lot.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thanks for your input TonyLane. Is this what you are refering to jenniek? Transaction lines added as blank lines not being present when exported and imported?

  • TonyLane's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Liam_M 


    Whenever a sale or purchase is exported and 'Blank', 'Header' or 'Subtotal' lines are used in that sale or purchase then they are not included in the export.  Therefore when they are imported into another data file they no longer are searchable because 'Blank', 'Header' or 'Subtotal' lines cannot be either imported or exported.  Consequently users need the Classic functionality implemented in the New AR.  A comparison between the Clearwater sample files of both versions offers the clear difference as follows:-

    Item Sale - Difference between Classic and New AR .jpg


    'Blank' and 'Header' lines are really a deadend replacement for what could be done in the Classic Version.


    jenniekknows that using Ctrl + Shift  + F you are able to search lines that were added using the blank line feature, as per the following 'brake' example:-

    Sale Search for brake.JPG


    I have voted for this 'new idea' because I need to import and export sales and purchases without being encumbered with the unexportable and unimportable 'Blank' & 'Header' lines.

  • aatrev's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have asked MYOB this and they informed me that this feature did not come across from Version 19 to the 2014.2. That being that when adding descriptions in on invoices on multiple line it myob wants us to populate the account box. We only need to populate where an dollar value is required/entered.

    What this current does to our invoices is it shows GST on all the lines down the invoice, and looks unprofessional.

    Look fwd to this feature being re introduced.

    • aatrev's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      to Aaronp.

      I did as you said with deleting the tax code on all uncosted lines. Yes this stopped the tax showing up on the invoices. Still a pain in the butt, but will suffice until MYOB fix this.

          Re typing into description box and pressing enter. MYOB restrict those boxes to a set number of characters. You try it. just press a letter until it stops. If you place one letter per line you can go for many lines down page. So there fore this is not going to fix the problem.

          We are using 2014.2. we were on v19. You did not have to populate the tax box if not reqd.



    • Aaronp's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      Can you remove the tax code from the invoice line that is a description only line? Even with an account selected, it should allow you to manually remove the tax code from that line.


      That will stop it from printing on the invoice.


      Alternatively, depending on which version you have, V19 will let you set up an account for use with description lines and leave it with no tax code, but 2014 won't. However, 2014 seems to let you hit "Enter" in a description and it will put the text on the next line of the same single transaction line, or if you type past the end of the line, it appears to wrap to the next line automatically. Do any of these work for your setup?

  • Aaronp's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    When we open an invoice that was created in V19 that has a "blank line" in it, 2014.2 treates it as a blank "transaction line" and forces you to either delete the line or put an item into it which means we have to delete the line, then right click and add a "blank line" back in and record just so we can close the invoice. "cancel" isn't an option.


    the new version should assume all "blank" lines from old invoices are "blank lines" not blank "transaction lines". I figure this is another bug/error in your company file migration process?

    • Emile's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi accountsjane 


      As mentioned in the post you will need to either select an account for the line or enter it as a Blank or Header line.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:

    Hello Jennie. Are you able to clarify what you mean by these lines not being searchable? On what screens are you searching for the invoice line items? Using Ctrl + Shift  + F you are able to search lines that were added using the blank line feature.

  • Definately change this and then, and only then, will I subscribe and use AccountRight Live. I use the Time Billing layout so the change must be across the board in the Sales register. Otherwise, everything else seems to work the same for me, albeit a lot slower. Hopefully, you send me an email to let me know the change has been done and I can check it out soon. I need to be able to do my accounts on the road and not just at my pc and don't want to clog up my laptop.

  • sal2107's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I agree with jenniek, my invoices are now taking twice as long to produce by having to insert the blank line each time, and having to type, for example, "your Purchase Order XXX, dated on XX" .Even to be able to insert a date in the date column in the blank line would be a help. I need to be able to decide when and where I want my $ quickly and easily. I use the Professional layout, and my invoices are looking very unprofessional following my upgrade. Please bring back the old way - this new one is just not an improvement.