MHS's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Invoice number sequencing for backorders

A suggestion to make life easier when numbering Backorders .....


We have customers that wont accept duplicated invoice numbers but as we like to keep track of all the items relating to one order we have chosen to keep the orginal invoice number for backorders in order to easily identify a backorder we manually add an extension of -1  (ie 011548-1) or -2 (ie 011548-2) for subsequent backorders but it would be great if the option in preferences to add a predetermined prefix or to extension to the original invoice number. 




'Invoice Numbering for Backorders"


  • ELVS's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Two thumbs up for this idea for sales and purchases!!!

    An option in the sales and purchases preferences to add a suffix to the original sales invoice number (or purchase order number) that increases sequentially with backorders, eg -1, -2, -3 or-A, -B, -C, or BO1, BO2, BO3 etc

    Allocating a new/unique/unrelated invoice number (or PO number) does not work for us as this code is the ONLY way in MYOB to link a backorder to the original order for sales and purchases.
    The ability to produce back order reports would also be useful (for sales and purchases) - showing original inv/PO, original date, and what is left to send/receive.

  • RoyH's avatar
    Cover User



    For the life of me I do not understand why AccountRight is set up to duplicate the original invoice number for back orders. In a perfect world, once you click the tab to turn the back order into an invoice the next unique invoice number would also be allocated. If that's not possible, please allow the warnings set for duplicated invoice numbers to show up! And before you ask yes I do have the settings for these warnings set up correctly...


    Frustrated much!



    • RoyH's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi David,


      I have just upgraded to the new 2017.1 version.


      Let me see if it works and I will get back to you.



    • David_Cree's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hello Roy, RoyH

      I have testedin the Clearwater sample file and it works ok for me. Could you also try in Clearwater with the option tick off?

      I entered a new sale for quantity of 2 for an item with only one item in stock. The invoice # allocated was 14. When I recorded it I got the screen to say there was not enough in stock & I chose to Backorder. An invoice #14 was created and a new order #15 was created for the back order.

      It should work for you. What version of MYOB are you using?



    • RoyH's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi David,


      I appreciate your feedback but  I have this box unticked, hence why I am frustrated.



  • JayA's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Vote for this 100 million times over - This also applies to sales orders.

    I was about to post this just before I found this:


    When creating a sales order, if you part invoice some of the stock then the back ordered items either go on back order using the
    - Same invoice number
    - Starts a new invoice number
    You also cannot print out a list of everything that was originally on the order to show all invoiced and back ordered items.

    What it SHOULD be doing is adding an A, B, C, etc to the end of the original invoice number so we know that all those separate invoices relate to the one invoice.

    The problem with leaving it the same INV number means that the customer will get multiple invoices from us with the SAME invoice number but different prices – do you know how confusing this is?

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for the idea. If others would like this idea to be implemented please vote and add any relevant comments.