Bteam's avatar
Trusted User
5 years ago

Setup: Allow windows to be opened in another screens

Would MYOB see the benefit of being able to move some windows to a second screen? With a lot of information available at any one time it can get quite confusing. I realise reports cand be moved and I can try opening a second session on another screen but it would be good to be able to drag a window from the main screen to a second one.


"Make use of dual screens"


  • ROGMichelle's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    When using MYOB on an additional monitor the sub-windows for reports always open on the default monitor (monitor 1). Can you make it so they appear on the monitor that MYOB is open on?

  • activemobility's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I know quite a few office that have dual screens now, and it would be great if you could have say purchases opened on one screen and sales opened on the other.

    I have tried moving one over, but it wont do it

    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      Further to what Stephen said, I find the best way to open the file twice is to use the desktop shortcut or start menu to open the second one. I haven't been able to do it from a pinned shortcut on the taskbar. (I'm on a desktop.)


      I also don't do it for long periods of time or I start to have issues but it's handy for half an hour or so.

    • Stephen_Blackt's avatar
      Experienced Partner

      You are able to open the same MYOB file twice on the one computer, so you could have the seperate screens open as you want.


      Stephen Blacktop

      69 Railway St

      Newcastle, NSW 2300

      Ph: 02 49291496


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    • HmmmReally's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I don't know of an office worker that doesn't use dual screens.  Come on MYOB have you ever attended the seminar entitled "Innovate or Die"?  I dare say this entire portal is entirely devoid of staff readership for fear of having them be exposed to a great idea.

  • If this is not possible, then to be able to easily split screens like you can with Windows woud also be useful.

  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Meegies 

    Try this -

    Open MYOB on main screen and use the Maximise/Restore button to take it out of the full screen display mode. Drag the edge of the display across to the second screen so that you can use both, and spread the windows over both.

    Personally I just use one screen for MYOB in full screen mode and use Control/Tab to swap between open windows. This leaves the 2nd screen available for other tasks like Outlook or an excel spreadsheet.

    see here for other keyboard shortcuts. I particularly like Alt / O to record or save an action.



  • Meegies's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I second how handy it would be if the In Tray, (or more specficially, the "Englarge" window for viewing In Tray documents), was able to be moved to a second screen. Similar to how reports can be moved. 

  • albanyair's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This would be especially handy when entering invoices from the In Tray.

  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Bteam 

    OOOPPPSSS!!! i meant to say Ctl / Tab not Ctl / shift.

    sorry about that.



  • Bteam's avatar
    Trusted User

    Hello David,

    Thanks. That works in essence but requires a fair bit of resizing of the windows to get the windows to fit the two screens.  I'll play around a bit more. I use Cntrl/Tab to swap between windows; Cntrl/Shift leads nowhere. The link to the short cuts is useful and they are timesavers.





  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Bteam 

    Try this -

    open MYOB on main screen and use the Maximise/Restore button to take it out of the full screen display mode. Drag the edge of the display across to the second screen so that you can use both, and spread the windows over both.

    Personally I just use one screen for MYOB in full screen mode and use Control/Shift to swap between open windows. This leaves the 2nd screen available for other tasks like Outlook or an excel spreadsheet.

    see here for other keyboard shortcuts. I particularly like Alt / O to record or save an action.



  • Hi Support

    Couple of remarks regarding MYOB AR 2017.2:

    It would be beneficial if the sub-windows would go all the way across the screen when maximized.
    Currently if you maximize a sub-window it leaves the screen with empty space on the right hand side.

    Data entry, for an instance into the description field when typing up a new invoice, will not dynamically change the row height.
    It will do so when you exit out of the field, but not as you type it in. It would make a considerable difference if it would for clients that have long descriptions.

    Thanks for your consideration.
    Happy to clarify if needs to be.


    "Tweaks to Interface"