DMG-DURAL's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Spend Money: Use supplier' tax code as default

We are a builder who have a lot of various subcontractors. Most are registered for GST, but there are several who are not. As MYOB doesnt currently pick up the Supplier Card tax code, we have to just "remember" which subcontractors are not registered for GST (GNR).


We are using Bank Feeds to save us time, which means we our purchases are entered as a "Spend Money" transaction (we have a rule set up). Supplier Card tax codes are not picked up in the Spend Money transactions.


The following would be useful:



Can the "Spend Money" transaction be altered to apply and use the relevant Supplier Card tax code, rather than a default setting? Because this is not picked up from the Supplier Card, if a subcontractor is not registered for GST (i.e. GNR) and we have to "remember" to change the tax code MANUALLY to GNR.


-------------------------- OR -----------------------------------------



I have been advised that the Supplier Card tax code is picked up through "Purchases" and we would need to go to "Enter Purchases", enter the payment $$ into the "Paid Today" Field and this would then use the Supplier Card tax code. We are using Bank Feeds to save us time, so doing the above steps would be going backwards for us. Can you add the option to "Enter as a purchase" when we right click on a bank feed transaction, which would then apply the tax code from the Supplier Card to the transaction?


I hope this makes sense. Thanks.



 "Supplier Card tax code not picked up in "Spend Money" transactions"



  • Hi helpmeplease 

    Thanks for your feedback in regards to the Supplier Tax code and the Spend Money Window. I see that you haven't voted for the idea. If you would like to show your support for the idea to see it implemented in a future release of the program I suggest voting for the idea. You can do this via the vote button in the top left next to the idea's title. The more votes an idea has the greater the demand and the more likely the idea would be investigated and implemented.

  • 9 months since original post and still this is happening..


    I would like MYOB to pick the information up off the supplier card, as when you run business accounts the last thing that you need is to be remembering who is registered for gst and who isnt. You take the time to set up the supplier card this is what should be used for the tax code not the account.


    This is also happening to me when I am entering a reportable payment for end of year(construction company) and I have set the suppliers card up by ticking the box however when you enter the detail into spent money it is not ticked.


    Please fix this soon as myob is slow enought since updating to 19 that this is the icing on the cake going back in changing tax code and ticking reportable payment


    I feel that if you dont fix it there are going to be many business who's bookkeeper dont look at this sort of thing in a lot of trouble claiming gst on payment that are gst free


  • Colleen's avatar
    Valued Partner

    I do not have many cash basis customers and I've only just discovered this 'as planned' feature after 25 years.  


    I put one of my new clients wrong by advising her to use the Tax Code on the card, only to discover that it didn't work and she had two years' transactions to change because she wasn't watching what she was doing.   (As a note:  She was doing back posting to start her new system from scratch, so it wasn't something we didn't pick up while doing the GST.)  


    I definitely don't want two accounts, one with tax and one without, and I don't want to have to name the card either, as that is also prone to entry error.


    A good system works 'by exception' so that only the occasional change has to be made to the default, not every change.  


    I vote for the foolproof "Use Customer or Supplier GST Code" to pull through the whole system.


    Colleen King






  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Dinah,


    I agree that where a card is used for a Spend Money or a Receive Money transaction then the Card Default Tax code should be used.


    However what i do with clients with the same issue as you is to have 2 incone accounts setup.

    one is 4-xx10 named SubContractors (GST) with a tax code of GST

    the other 4-xx2 named Subcontractors (NRG) with a tax code NRG.


    I always change the MYOB Default GNR code name  to NRG Not Registered for GST because most of the time when you hit the "G" key you want GST to appear not GNR which you then have to overtype - extra key strokes are what i like to avoid!!!


    when you are doing the Spend Money just select the correct income account code depending on whether they are registered for GST or Not Registered.




  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for your post @DMG-DURAL. Further to Ron's suggestion of naming your Supplier cards to indicate the Tax Code to be used, you could also set up separate (Expense) Accounts with the GNR Tax Codes. Since the Banking >> Spend Money window picks up the Tax Codes based on the account, this change will save you the trouble of changing it in the Spend Money window. Having said that we would like to know if others would like the Spend Money window to pick up the Tax Code from the Supplier card. Therefore please Vote and comment.
  • DMG-DURAL's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thanks Ron. We have done this with some of our supplier cards, but it still doesnt change the fact that we still have to go into each of these transactions and change the line to GNR. 

    We dont understand why MYOB cant just pick up the tax code from the Supplier Card, in the Spend Money function?


    From what we have been told, the only way it picks up the Supplier Card tax code is by entering the information vai "Purchases" which will make more work for us, I dont believe it has the option to enter transactions via Purchases when using bank feeds. 


    Its frustrating. 

  • ronatbas's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    A bit from left field but I think I would calling any GNR supplier just that. e.g. Fred Smith GNR.



  • pawalton's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    You can set up your suppplier within their card with their gst registration code Eg:  GST or FRE.  This then defaults when doing a purchase however if you pay that supplier through spend money you have to change the code rather than it changing by default.  It would be great if this worked in both areas and would result in less errors being made in the coding.



