ASWatCR's avatar
12 years ago

Spend Money/Receive Money: Ability to Insert/Delete Rows (General Journals)

It would be really useful if MYOB had the ability to insert rows in Spend Money/Receive Money/General Journals transactions (you can do it in purchase/sales invoices) – it is extremely frustrating when something has been entered and a line is missing, you then need to redo a section of the journal if you want it in a particular order (or especially with recurring journals that may slightly change from month to month and you want to insert a line, but not at the bottom). 


This would be easily overcome with the ability to insert lines in these types of transactions.  What do other people think or am I the only one that wants the order of line items to be in a specific order?

"Ability to Insert/Delete rows in Spend/Receive Money and General Journals"


  • I might be missunderstanding but I have tried this and it seems to be working fine for me.  If I am in a spend money transaction and I blank out the account number and then click on another row the line is removed.  I did notice I had to click on a different row while Premier I could click in another cell of the same row.  If this is still not working for you I can ask support to contact you and have a look.

  • Deleting an unwanted row in a spend/receive money trscn was something that you could do in Premier by deleting the account number and then clicking in another cell. The feature has been removed in AR Live but I really need it back.

    I have set up recurring recieve money transactions for daily reconciliation of sales and cash recieved through the til, EFT etc.

    The recurring transaction has all possible lines in it but as you can imagine it varies on a daily basis as to how money is received. SOmetimes you need the petty cash line some days you don't etc.

    It's frustrating that I now have mulitple 'blank' lines in many of my transactions because I can't remove them anymore when I post the transaction each day.

  • A definite yes from us as this is very frustrating fora couple of lines in a 20-30 journal.

  • Status changed:
    This is a great idea and one we will consider for a future update. If others think this would be a valuable feature please vote for it as it will help us prioritise our work.