Noremac01's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago
Coming Soon

Applying Surcharge

So once again I feel that MYOB over complicates things and then doesnt believe it is ever at fault.


Recently I recieved my monthly bill which was a lot higher than normal. Why? Because apparently Bpay isn't included in the Apply Surcharge field. 


Im not sure if my screen shot will show but it clearly aligns Bpay with all other online payments and then the box below says that you can apply a surcharge. 


When questioning MYOB I got the good old "it states it in the terms and conditions" I asked if it looked misleeding and they didnt have an answer. 


I asked to have Bpay removed from a service that is offered but apparently they can't do that either. 


In fact it appears that MYOB can't do a lot of things. This new "Downgrade" that they have applied to everyone I really cant see why they did it. 


Even my accountant has now moved away from MYOB