MelissaK's avatar
5 months ago

Bulk emailing from the invoice screen

Plesae add the below enhancements when emailing bulk invoices from the invoice screen:


1. Show the customers email address that is being used so that it can be checked quickly for all invoices before approving

2. Allow "send me a copy" to be selected

3. Allow the subject to include the invoice number similar to when emailing an individual invoice rather than having a standard subject for all invoices 

4. Allow a default message rather than entering a message each time you send bulk invoices

1 Comment

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi MelissaK


    Thank you for your contribution to the Community Forum. I apologize for the delayed response.


    Your suggestions for enhancements to the email functionality in MYOB Business are greatly appreciated. I understand how these improvements could streamline your operations. Please be assured that your ideas have been made more visible to our development team by posting them on the Product Ideas board.


    In the meantime, if you need further assistance or have more ideas to share, feel free to start a new thread. We're here to help.

