LouisPhanA's avatar
5 months ago

Employees Information page

In old myob, we can see the started date, ird number and DOB. Can you guys please add it back? 


Furthermore, if it is possible, we should have the employee information' page or a report that complie with labour/immigration  request. The page/report should include the list of the all employees/current employees and details of employees including Name, Roles, average hours per weeks, part-time/or full-time, DOB, IRD numbers, contact details (email/address/phone), date started, date finished.

1 Comment

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi LouisPhanA


    Thanks for posting.


    Currently, MYOB Business NZ does not have the option to do both the actions you mentioned. I will move this post to the Ideas Exchange board for better visibility for the development team as a potential addition to future updates.


    In the meantime, feel free to create a new thread if you require any other assistance.

