BecM's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Invoices: Automatically save prior to closing down

If I'm in the middle of writing up a lengthy invoice, and get called away from the computer for whatever reason, often when I return to the invoice I find that I've been automatically logged out of MYOB due to a time out, and when I log back on, all of my work has gone.


Is there a way that the unsaved invoice I'm working on could be automatically saved before I'm logged out?


"Save invoices before automatically logging off"


  • I would really like to see an 'auto save' added to MYOB Essentials. There are many times when my internet signal fluxuates and any non saved info in my invoice is lost as MYOB drops out and falls back to the previous screen, which is the Invoice list. 


    Also, when you do select save, I would prefer that you remain wintin the invoice you are working on, rather than it close out and fall back to the list.

    • ROTMP's avatar

      MYOB Essentials - AutoSAve Exactly same for us as comment above WindyWilson28 !

      Countless times this has happened darn annoying as we have rural internet which can be fluxuates.

      Suggues two buttons;

      SAVE (stay in the same page) 

      and a SAVE & EXIT.




  • It would be great to have an auto save function when creating invoices in MYOB. It’s very frustrating when it crashes in the middle of doing up a long invoice and you’ve lost all your work.

    Also, if you want to save periodically currently it takes you out of your invoice and then you have to click into it again to continue.
    • janjac's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Especially when you cannot rely on the program to keep running long enough to complete an invoice !!

  • LCrowhurst's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    have had this too..very :smileyfrustrated:

    BecM wrote:

    If I'm in the middle of writing up a lengthy invoice, and get called away from the computer for whatever reason, often when I return to the invoice I find that I've been automatically logged out of MYOB due to a time out, and when I log back on, all of my work has gone.


    Is there a way that the unsaved invoice I'm working on could be automatically saved before I'm logged out?


  • Hi PCeasy


    Thank you for your sharing your feedback in regards to this idea

    Along with commenting for an idea on the MYOB Essentials Idea Exchange you can show your support by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name.

  • Yes, we definitely need this function.  I spent half an hour putting together an invoice with 8 days worth of comments and details last night.  I then saved it so I could complete it this morning but there is no sign of any reference to the invoice at all.

    If there is a "Save" button there on the screen what does it do if it doesn't save your work?

    Really frustrating and seems to be such a basic omission.


  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your great suggestion. Anyone else who would like to see transactions in progress saved on timeout, please cast your vote here.

  • Same happens to us...


    Would be great to find a solution that does not involves creating the invoice on excel and copying and pasting...