fdonnelly's avatar
Experienced Partner
6 years ago

Invoices: Filter by relative period - month, quarter, financial year...

On the screen that lists all of the invoices, while you can currently sort the columns, it would be great if you had the option to filter the invoices for a certain period of time (eg just list all invoices issued in a particular month, quarter or financial year). For clients that have a large number of invoices, it can get really tedious when looking for invoices, having to scroll through pages & pages of invoices. 


"Invoice Screen sorting"


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With MYOB Essentials, within the Invoices window is the option for Period. There are a variety of filtering options from Last Financial year, This Financial year, Last 3 months, This Financial Quarter...

  • hermitude's avatar
    Experienced User


    Other software packages allow you to filter by pressing on a quarter/month/financial year.


    MYOB - you have to manually type the dates, every, single, time.


    Who reckons this would make things quicker?

  • This would be great, even if its only the current financial year. It would be great to get a snap shot of the years invoices without having to run a report. Its frustrating in essentials that you cannot close off previous financial years. 

  • LiamB's avatar
    Experienced User

    YES PLEASE!!!!


    I send out invoices at the end of each month, so it would be so handy to filter invoices with a specific due date.  Then I can easily see which invoices need to be sent.


    It would also be useful to have a "notes" section on invoices that customers don't see.  At the moment, I use the purchase order field to note down "invoice sent" so I can easily see from the invoices list which ones have been sent.