Online MYOB Essentials/Business missing Items > Selling Details feature from MYOB AccountRight
A missing feature of MYOB Essentials/Business online portals is that of an Item's "Selling Details" available through MYOB AccountRight > Inventory > Item > Selling Details. The pricing levels contained therein are an important part of pricing the item based on a customer's relationship with the seller.
This feature seems to have been overlooked by the MYOB development team but is critical to operating with tiered relationship-based pricing.
AccountRight feature:
MYOB Business Inventory > Item screenshot missing the "selling details" information:
User Story for developers:
As a B2B/B2C business that originally set up accounting on MYOB AccountRight, our distributed team members would like to access our account through the online MYOB Essentials/Business portal and view our inventory items' "Selling Details" to accurately provide pricing to our trusted customers through the Levels pricing information configured.