Sign-C's avatar
8 months ago

Quote and Invoices to have different numbering sequence

In the new updated Essentials, all of a sudden our quotes and invoices work from the same numbering sequence. This is frustrating! We used to have all our quotes numbered QUXXXXX and invoices were just numbers, now we have to manually change the number when going between or we end up with wrong numbers everywhere. 

If this can't be changed, perhaps an option where you can select to use different number sequences for quotes vs invoices

1 Comment

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Sign-C
    Thank you for sharing your suggestions and feedback with us. We totally understand the importance of your request and the impact on your business. Your patience and understanding during this period are highly valued. Be assured that we will relay this to our relevant team.  
    Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 