manning's avatar
3 years ago

Quotes: Insert blank row or Insert line item

Please change the quotes so you can insert a blank line and insert a transaction line as you can do when doing a sales invoice.




MYOB Diamond Partner


"MYOB Business / Essentials Quotes insert blank line & insert transaction line"


  • So disappointed that this has not been actioned yet.


    The ability to insert a line, or a blank line not requiring a category or $ is essential. Why is it available in Invoice on the Accountright Browser, but no the quote - where the process begins? We are really struggling to get quotes up and running in our business because some features are only available on browser and some (like this one) are only available on desktop.


    How can I train multiple employees to do things consistently when the tools to do so are not there?


    The feature already exists - just add it to the quote window please. The inconsistency in MYOB between windows is such a frustration.

  • Hi manning,


    Thanks for your interest and for suggesting the addition of a blank line item when creating quotes. Ideas like yours help us improve our services to better suit your needs. You're in the right spot! Our developers regularly check this board for new feature ideas and suggestions, so your post will definitely get noticed. To help this idea gain traction, we encourage other users to vote for it. The more votes it gets, the higher the chances it will be prioritized and implemented.


    Thanks again for your valuable input and for helping us make MYOB better!




  • Can't believe you do not have a editor to allow inserting  of a line you used to have this feature right side what happened?

    Now i have to delete the lines below and re enter the items


    Seriously frustrating


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, cp5


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    We know how beneficial it would be to enter or insert a blank row or line item. We believe in fostering innovation and listening to our customers' valuable feedback. Your suggestion will be carefully reviewed by our team, who are always looking for ways to improve and expand our product offerings.


    Best regards,


  • The quote generator is extremely limited. It would be much more useful if you could:

    • Add line items at any point as you can when creating an invoice
    • Add lines that are not accounting items (like a section heading to group quote items under, or a solid line to divide the quote into sections, or a free form block of text to introduce a section of the quote

    That would make the quote creator a useful tool that would help to win jobs rather than just an invoice with "quote" written on it. Quoting is part of the sales process and therefore needs to be treated as such, which means flexibility and presentation that will help win the project, make the sale etc

  • MichaM's avatar
    Contributing User

    I agree.  I have a client who does a lot of quoting and they often have thier customers need to add something to the quote.  They previously had no problems in doing this in the previous version.  Now they are unable to unless they turn it into an invoice, which they don't want/need to do at this point of the transaction.  MYOB please add this feature back in.