areness's avatar
Cover User
13 years ago

Statements: To include logo

On the 10/06/2011, I made the following suggestion:


"Customer Statements leave a lot to be desired. Apart from the need for a logo, the invoice descriptions field only lists 'Sales Invoice' as the invoice description. This is very bland and not that informative. AccountRight overcomes this problem by including a journal memo field in the new sales window that can be used to summarises the contents of the invoice and which subsequently appears in the description field of the customer statements."


As far as I can see, no changes have been made to the format of Customer Statements, such that I now have to resort to doing my customer statements by hand. 




"Description Field and Customer Statements"


  • Customer Statements leave a lot to be desired. Apart from the need for a logo, the invoice descriptions field only lists 'Sales Invoice' as the invoice description. This is very bland and not that informative. AccountRight overcomes this problem by including a journal memo field in the new sales window that can be used to summarises the contents of the invoice and which subsequently appears in the description field of the customer statements.

  • ATI's avatar
    Contributing User

    Customer statements are the 2nd worst thing about live accounts.  The worst is no recurring invoices.


    Yes logo should be on the statement similar to invoices.  The Customer Address should also be included.


    The statement should be filterable for a date period.  The filtered range should appear on the statement to make it clear to the customer.  This would then return all invoices with a transaction in the period, plus any invoices with outstanding balances. The current statement only shows invoices that have an outstanding balance.  


    Prior to running the report the user should get the option of a summary report or a detailed report.


    The summary report could be similar to the current report with some tweaks:


    • Date field should remain
    • It should show each invoice, with the the x characters of the invoice notes (as per the sales transaction report) rather then the current "Sales Invoice" in the description
    • The Amount Remitted on the current statement is always blank.  I don't really get the purpose of this field.  It looks like it is for the customer to complete and send back if they have made a payment.  I don't know if this is of any use or not to others, but it isn't to me.

    The detailed report should include:


    • Date Field
    • Invoice No field should be changed to Reference No.  (It could be a invoice or a payment received)
    • It should display all transaction activity from the customer during the specified period.  This would include the invoice, with the the x characters of the invoice notes (as per the sales transaction report) rather then the current "Sales Invoice" in the description.  And then on the next line indented show each line of the invoice including qty and total of each line
    • A new line item should be displayed for each payment received for that invoice, including the date received in the date field.
    • A running balance
  • Hi ATI, thank you for your feedback on this. More customisation is something that we're always looking into adding and we appreciate the detail you've added into this feedback.

  • Hayley93's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    arenessI completely agree! I have had to do the same thing and it is so time consuming. I've now had to resort to comparing other accounting software just for this purpose.


    So dissapointing!

  • Status changed:

    The ability to personalise invoices and statements and add Payment Options / How to pay section has been delivered. For more information please refer to Essentials blog article improved customer statements today