colleenWatson's avatar
6 months ago

Status report all Suppliers

When I got to purchase and select all suppliers, it only showed what I owed; it did not show if any supplies were in debt.

You need to select the status Debit.

Why can't this be all on the Open Status?

All suppliers means all, including debit balances.

Extra time wasted again.

1 Comment

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi colleenWatson,

    Thank you for sharing your ideas. I will promptly forward your suggestions to the appropriate team for their review, and they will consider incorporating them into our future updates.

    We value your input, and your feedback is vital in enhancing our services. Feel free to share more thoughts or concerns anytime. We appreciate your contribution to making our platform better for you.

    Feel free to post again if you have further queries and one of us will be happy to assist you.