Siobhan2's avatar
8 months ago


Totally understand upgrading for security etc....but the new features and layout are hard to read, clumsy to navigate, takes longer to input data and is not user friendly at all, especially when invoicing.  This is all to do with design not security. Also information/data is very slow to upload or send...sometimes not even notifying when it has.  
I realise there will be some hiccups, but this new format is not easy to navigate or use like before and doesn't save the right info when invoices have been sent etc..Here's just a few things, there is way more but at this time of year I just don't have time to record everything.  
  • When you open items, more appeared in dropdown and was easier to read
  • Can't change the Due Date easily like last time, just had calender that dropped down now have to type in number of days - we change this regularly for some clients who aren't in a position to pay within our usual terms
  • Qty unit doesn't come up automatically when you input an item yourself (not using a code).  Nor as an option - have to type it in.
  • Can't just push print button have to muck around exporting
  • Hard to read items when inputting - every line is the same colour - would be great if every second was a different shade - like last time
  • When creating an item - would be great to have it at the ID at the top again as this is one of the first things to put into the system when doing this 
  • To remove an item when doing an invoice you have to click the three dots then click remove - use to just be a cross next to it to remove an item - was quick and easy...takes too long doing it this way.  The add button was a plus at the beginning of the line originally, much better idea to keep this.
  • When you push save it still stays on invoice screen instead of going back to list of invoices and/or having access to the top bar straight away - one click is better than click and scroll to get to create new or having to scroll to the top of the page to choose where you want to go next. When you email it goes back to the list of invoices though.  Be great it it also did this when saving.
  • Items - would go in numerical order then alphabetical - all over the show now.
  • When you create a new item the Item ID is third down - was first before and really should stay that way as the most important line out of the 3
  • When you tab it doesn't fill in the Quantity to 1 straight away - leaves blank so you have to type in everytime single time
  • Sales I could just type SA and it would come I have to type 200 which when trying to sort invoices quickly is very labour intensive
  • The whole item number doesn't show in invoice when inputting
  • Every item comes up with no inventory items.  What does this mean?!?!
  • Printed sign doesn't come up under activity for invoices only email.
  • If I put an item number in and push return straight away keeps bringing up a new window to create a new item.  Much easier before you just clicked on it at the top if you needed to create a new one - prefer to enter items quickly.
  • When you put in your item when invoicing the cursor would skip automatically to the quantity - this doesn't happen any more, was really handy as saved a step. Now have to highlight and delete/change
  • Transactions - hard to read all bold - too much bold makes it hard to read...last set up easier to navigate
  • Transactions would disappear when they were allocated now all stay there - with that and everything in bold it's hard to work out what's been done and what hasn't
  • Was much easier to navigate when amount was first and then allocate to appropriate account.
  • When allocating transactions - Interest for example it used to automatically come up with Interest Income or Expense depending if it was a deposit or withdrawal.  Now you have to scroll and search.
  • When you search for an item it doesn't pop up and highlight search word and for eg. if I want to add ball or fix if I type ball it doesn't even come up only if I add ball o?!?!?
  • I've emailed all these invoices below but it still shows one of them that hasn't when it has.  This happened with another customer so I emailed it to them again but they said they got the first one?!!?
Also the contacts and who is addressed in emails has changed - use to come up with their name now it doesn't so I'll have re-enter every single contact to Contact Person - I just don't have time for this.
Top tabs needs to be frozen so you don't have to keep scrolling up to do something else.
When you save an invoice it stays on the page instead of how it use to go back to open invoices and you could create a new one.  When you email an invoice though it goes back to open invoices.
Also to note - if you plan any major upgrades the future, please don't do it during an busy time of year like Christmas/End of Year....added stress that is not necessary.
I hope the features and layout will be rectified soon as this is causing more of our time to process our invoices, transactions etc...which is very unproductive for our small business.  Hope to hear from one of your team soon.


  • Hi Siobhan2,


    I hope this message finds you well. Please be informed that we will be closing this thread now, as we haven't received any updates or information from your end. Please feel free to start a new post again if you have further questions or concerns in the future. We're here to help.




  • Hi Siobhan2,


    Thank you for your reply.


    I completely understand your frustration and disappointment with the lack of response and support. I genuinely apologize for any inconvenience caused. We take your concerns seriously and want to help you resolve them. To assist you effectively regarding your invoices that are being hacked, I will be reaching out to you via private message to gather some details. Please check your Community forum inbox, and we'll continue to address your concern through that channel.


    I understand your decision to seek a new provider, given the lack of response and support you've experienced. Your choice is completely valid, and we respect your decision.


    Your patience and understanding are highly appreciated.




  • Great generated reply, but no substance and not good enough…my invoices have now been hacked and not a single response to myself directly or my accountant…which I find extremely concerning and am astonished no one from senior management is making contact…this is abysmal. With no indication of when these faults will be fixed I will be looking for a new provider in the new year, as will many people from this forum…many disgruntled customers and your company is not addressing any of these concerns…..hugely disappointing! 

  • Hi Siobhan2,


    Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback regarding the upgrade. It's frustrating when a system upgrade causes such disruptions and challenges, especially during a busy time like the year-end rush. Your detailed feedback about the various aspects of the new layout and features in MYOB is incredibly helpful in understanding the pain points you're facing.


    It's evident that the changes in design and functionality are impacting your efficiency and workflow, particularly in invoicing and navigating through transactions. I can imagine how much more effort and time it must take for your small business to process everything. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. While I can't promise when this will be fixed or when the next update will be, your feedback is crucial. I'll make sure your comprehensive list of concerns gets to the right team. They'll need to know how these alterations have affected your ability to smoothly run your business. Please expect that your insights will be instrumental in shaping future updates and improvements to enhance usability and efficiency.


    Thank you for taking the time to provide such a thorough breakdown. Your patience and cooperation are genuinely appreciated.


