Dark-Mode functionality for Accountright (Desktop Version)
I own a number of companies & MYOB files and use the desktop version of MYOB Accountright at night alot of the time. The problem is it doesn't offer Dark-Mode Functionality and the white background is not good for your eyes at night.
It is not required for the "online browser version" as the "Dark Reader" chrome/microsoft-edge extension can turn any website into dark-mode... however for the "Desktop Version of Accountright" it is a MUST upgrade/feature that you need to introduce for your users ASAP!! As many, many users have been requesting this "Dark-Mode Functionality" for many, many years now & you have still done nothing (no wonder customers are moving over to Xero)
Could you please introduce this Dark-Mode functionality as soon as possible (most apps/programs have Dark-Mode functionality these days). Thank you so much
If you do a search online you can see many, many users have requested this feature (not only myself)