Daisy2021's avatar
17 days ago

It would be good if the Invoice delivery status changes to "To be emailed" when a backorder/quote is converted into an invoice.

Backorders retain "Already Printed or Sent". When we bulk email the invoices each day these invoices get missed, eventually customers missing payment as they haven't received the invoice. It would be good if the Invoice delivery status changes to "To be emailed" when a backorder/quote is converted in to an invoice.


Although there is a work around to change the Invoice delivery Status to "To be emailed/Printed", it is manual and the operator needs to remember it. With the number of invoices, we send out each day, sometimes the operator forgets to change the status on the backorders turned to invoices. Hence misses to send the invoice out and customer misses the payment as they haven't received it.

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey @Daisy201

    Thanks for your idea! We'll be sharing this one with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea!