Pay Template for Employees Multiple Rates instead of Pay Categories for Multiple Rates
Hi there
MYOB Staff Pay Templates would be extremely helpful. Instead of just having Payroll Categories with rates the pay template has ability to add multiple rates for one pay category/item.
We have the situation where we need to have topup wages amounts for each payroll payrun each pay period.
The topup amount per hour varies depending on staff payrates.
Therefore we actually have to have something like 60 new pay categories to allow for each staff member to have their own individual topup rate.
Other software programs like Xero, allow for a pay template, that can be edited and saved with any additional pay items and their rate for that staff member. There is only the need for the Pay Category 'Type' because the rates are set in the Pay Template. Therefore that reduces the amount of Payroll Categories required dramatically in these circumstances. I would really love to know when something like this might be considered and i