H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
16 days ago

Payroll Summary Report - Enhancements

This report would be incredibly more useful if we could filter by employee, or even by job number. I'm pretty sure it's the only report that shows the number of hours for each category instead of the dollar value.


(Happy to be proven wrong - I could have used such a report several times this week already.)

  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Don't know where my head was - the payroll register detail report gives me what I was looking for by employee, and I've used it several times in the past, but I can't seem to edit my original message.
    Still, filters on the payroll summary report for the job number would be great! That was my main focus the other times.

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey H-TS

    Thanks for your idea! We'll be sharing this one with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea!