adricmaggs's avatar
4 months ago

Search Invoices By Keywords Within The Invoice Description

A feature that we would really like MYOB AccountRight to have is the ability to search the invoice description by keyword. We use the “Service” type invoice and often type something like “For the fabrication of custom mud guards” in the description on an invoice.

Often we want to look up previous invoices and we know what the job was, such as fabricating mud guards, but we don’t remember what the invoice number or date was.

If we could search for “mud guards” and all invoices with those words in the description would show up, then that would be very helpful for us.

We did use a different accounting software program in the past and it was a feature that they had which was very handy!

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey adricmaggs

    Thanks for your idea! We'll be sharing this with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea. 

  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    adricmaggsIt's not brilliant, and you might already be using this workaround, but I'll share it just in case...
    If you know which income account it would have been allocated to, you can run the "general ledger [detail]" report, with the "allocation memo" field added in the insert/modify screen, sort by "Memo" column so all the invoices for that customer are together, then export to excel and you can search for mud guard. Cumbersome, but I use it surprisingly regularly. Same for trying to find purchase invoices for a particular item (when entered on a service layout).

  • Sacha74's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This is something I really miss that I could do in a different software back around 2009-2012.  Used it all the time.