avdent's avatar
10 days ago

Activate Super payments for minor employees

I am located in NSW have an employee who is 13years old.


She will be working around 7-14 hours per month on weekends and possibly some additional shifts during her school holidays.

However during her school holidays recently when she was shadowing another employee and training she worked for 32h in one week.


In New South Wales:

-there is no minimum legal working age, 

-there is no limit to the number of hours that a minor can work during school holidays,

-if a minor works more than 30h in a week, an employer MUST pay super for that employee


The MYOB superannuation payment module is not set up to enable super payments for minors. When I try to create a super payment for her, I get the error message "Employee must be older than 13 to receive super." 


I have searched the ATO and Fairwork and I find that there are no ATO guidelines or rules or laws preventing payment of super to any employee under the age of 18.


I would like MYOB to please update to the software to allow super payments for minors. 

  • AmandaCL's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:

    Hey avdent 

    Thanks for your idea! We'll be sharing this one with our product teams and have updated the status to open for other members of our community to vote and add weight to your idea!