Gerg's avatar
Experienced User
11 years ago

Inventory: Auto-Build - Ability to sort items

The list of items in Inventory is organized in alphabetic order. However, the list of items required for building a particular item is organized in order of creation. It would be helpful if a user can change this order at will, similar to moving rows in Excel If it is too complicated, as compromise, a user must be able to rearrange the list in alphabetic order.


"Auto-build list sorting"


  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator
    Status changed:
    Thank you for the suggestion Gerg, I can see the value to reordering the Auto-Build list by Item Number. If you'd like to see this feature changed in future editions, please vote for this idea. If you've got related ideas, let us know. Just so you know, you can sort the Auto-Build item list by the Name column in AccountRight 2013 software by clicking on the word "Name" at the top of the column, though you can't currently do this for the ItemNumber column.
  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With the release of AccountRight 2017.1 comes the ability to sort the Auto-Item Items tab of an item and the Build Items window by the column headings. For example, you can sort the Item number alphabetically or sort by quantity in descending order.


    You can see the other features, improvements and how to access the update on AccountRight 2017.1 now available