HelenB's avatar
MYOB Moderator
10 years ago

Find Transactions: Card - Find Pay Liabilities transactions for supplier cards

In AccountRight v19 in the find transactions window if you had recorded a pay liabilties transaction with a supplier card linked , you could search by card that supplier for the transaction.

This is no longer possible in the AccountRight 2015.1 program. Can you please change this in an update? 


"Pay Liabilities - search by supplier card in find transactions"


  • Status changed:

    Hi @helenB

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and search of supplier cards.

    The ability to search Pay Liability transactions via Supplier cards is something that has been passed on to the program development team as it is a change from previous versions.

    In saying that I would encourage other users that would like to see it included back in the program to vote and comment if required.

  • I agree. Definately should be able to search a Pay Liablity transaction via supplier card. Does not make sense that you can't. Every other transaction in myob can be searched by all means.

  • nooch1960's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Recently, I had reason to query my company file to Find Transactions for Superannuation Liabilities.

    I Selected Find Transactions From Account Right, Selected the Card Tab and Entered the Name of the Superannuation Company - (I have two of suppliers)


    Unfortunately, this particular query does not return any results. - 'No Matching Records Found'

    Believing it was a possible data corruption with my file. I called support  to discuss my issue.


    The outcome is that this type of query can only be done by specifying Employee Name and not the Superannuation Company Name.


    I believe this to be an oversight in the Application, bordering on a bug / defect.

    I would like to be able to perform a Find Transactions query on any/all of my suppliers.


    It is disconcerting that 'No Matching Records Found' is returned in these cases.


    Can this please be fixed in in a future release of the Product 

  • Totally agree! This was reported as an issue back in 2015 and still hasn't been remedied !!!  Even when going into the Super Company supplier card and searching on the history tab, nothing appears. VERY inaccurate and a rather concerning issue. Time to get this sorted pronto. Why was this ever removed from the program to start with?