AngelaE's avatar
Cover User
12 months ago

Jobs List - filters



I would like to suggest a filter in the Jobs List where we can filter to only see active jobs or only see inactive jobs.


Currently the list shows all jobs (active and inactive) and with thousands of jobs in there it is very frustrating having to scroll through the whole list to find the active ones. The current search function does not help with this task.


The addition of a filter to see active and incative only would assist our business greatly.


Thank you


1 Comment

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi AngelaE,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum!

    I'm sorry to hear that you were having problems about Job Filters. I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue, and I do apologize for the delayed response. By default, most reports within AccountRight will report on all information within the scope of the report. For example, if you were running a report on the jobs within the file and if you didn’t select the specific jobs to report on, then all jobs within the file would be reported on when running the report. 


    If you tick or untick the Inactive Jobs option in the list of jobs, this alters what jobs can be selected on the list. Do note that it doesn’t impact the “All” option and report on all jobs in the list both active and inactive. 


    To report on a subsection of the jobs list, such as active jobs, is done by selecting the jobs that you want to report on. You could deselect the inactive jobs option to hide them from the list before selecting the checkbox at the top of the list to select all the active jobs, rather than selecting each one individually.

    Feel free to post again, we're happy to help.