Notes on Bank Feeds Page

I would like to see a facility of adding notes to transactions on the Bank Feeds page. Often I have an unmatched feeds on the page and I am waiting on something from a client or supplier to match or complete the transaction. Ie a copy of an invoice or some direction from the accountant. I would like to add a note to this saying what the issue is. I would also like to then export this page, showing the notes into a PDF to email my client. Saves writing it into an email. I often do a 'screen dump' and add my own notes and email it but that means it's not recorded in MYOB for me. Just a 💭

1 Comment

  • CloudMindAcc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    sheponline I could not agree more with your idea.   However I would want to export the page in Excel so the clients can easily type back.

    Or they can have the option of logging into MYOB and commenting back to our query.. wouldn't that be nice and easy.   Or maybe log into an app on their phone and update us on the go.


    It is absolutely painstakingly annoying and frustrating that we have to in 2017 screen dump bank feed to clients or re-type them out for clients to comment (not to mention unprofessional and hugely time consuming).    We are in the online/cloud world we want to make business life easier for the clients and yourselves for that matter so why are we retyping information that is already there or sending unprofessional screen shots.  Needs to be resolved, please fix it asap.