Trav9999's avatar
Experienced Partner
8 years ago

Receive Payments: Disable Finance Charge

We don't use the Finance Change option.

I've even unticked it in the Linked Accounts option.


When I'm receiving payments, sometimes I'll tab through and all of a sudden there is a figure in the finance charge box that i have to delete and reapply somewhere else.

We never ever use this feature, and if there's no linked account, it would be good if this text box was set to ENABLED=FALSE if there is no linked account, so it wont allow accidental entry.

"Disable Finance Charge feature (in Receive Payments window)"



  • DuncanS's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Trav9999 Steven_M CloudMindAcc ronatbas




    The automatic posting of figures to Finance Charges has been a bugbear for many years.


    In my view, the feature should be removed.

    During twenty years of helping business owners, no client has used the feature.



  • OzTara's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I suggested this feature about 5 years ago. Still annoyingly there at the bottom of the payment screen.

    Please enable us to TURN FINANCE CHARGE OFF.

  • OzTara's avatar
    Experienced Cover User
    Not actioned 7 years since I gave the feedback originally ~~definitely going grey waiting for MYOB to action issues from actual customers~~