Paolo_Dist's avatar
Contributing Partner
8 years ago

Report: Sales [Item Summary] - Grand total

So here's the situation:


- Using AccountRight Basics latest


- I have structured my items such that the item numbers are prefixed with a supplier ID. This allows me to easily filter Sales reports based on items from suppliers. Very Useful and I'll explain with an example:


Item       Description

BB-001    Apples by Bob

BB-002   Oranges by Bob

CC-001  Apples by Charlie

CC-002 Oranges by Charlie


Sales >> Item Summary Report

>> Filter Items by BB-

Now I can see all the sales of Bob's Apples and Oranges only (But not charlie's)


The report can show me that I've sold

$100 worth of Bob's apples

$200 worth of Bob's Oranges

But what are my total takings from Bob's produce? I need to add them up manually.


Request: Can we please have a Grand Total at the bottom of the Sales Reports that adapts to whatever filter is aplied?


At the moment, I can either add them up manually in my head or using a calculator 


Export to excel and add up there.


The Excel option is plain terrible because thanks to the formatting, I cannot simply go to the bottom of a column and stick my formula in there. The annoying complexity of this will become clear if you run an export yourself and then try to run a total. Good luck, have fun!!


So there it is. Hope that makes sense. Looking forward to your reply!!



"Total at the end of Sales>>Item Summary Report"


  • The Sales (Item Summary) report is designed to provide you with an overview and summary of each individual items sales within the period. Which is why each individual inventory item has their own total field on that report. I need to total all items in the summary report, this is a basic need in accounting why don't you hard code to all your reports?


    Doesn't anyone else need grand totals?  I was taught to foot and cross foot and I don't get this in your reports.

  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had no support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages