Forum Discussion

CityHaven's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 months ago

Saving a budget P&L



I am in the process of wanting to set up a budget P&L and I understand that there are issues with some Accountright live products where the budget created can not be saved.


I just wanted my MYOB company file to be checked before I start entering amounts and then it won't save.


Can anyone assist from MYOB?  I'm not sure how to get this sorted as I don't think I can call someone now at MYOB for assistance.  Is all support now just online?


Thanks for your help.

Kind regards,


2 Replies

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi CityHaven,

    Thank you for your post. Apologies for the delayed response. We've identified a problem that's affecting all our users and we're on it. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this issue. 


    In the meantime, if you have any other concerns or questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.



  • Hi CityHaven and Earl_HD 


    If you are talking about budgeting in MYOB Business then there was an issue with getting output with the budget data on it.  That is whilst it all works on screen when you tried to output the reports into pdf the budget columns where missing.


    This has now been rectified as of approximately 1/2 hour ago.