Forum Discussion

lola_d's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Creating a purchase order

HI there,


How do you create a bulk purchase order for stock and then mark off the stock as it arrives (example - we often order say 1,000 pieces of an item and it is brought in separate deliveries over a period of time. We want to find best way to keep track of how many have been delivered verses how many still to come). TIA

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  • Yanike_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi lola_d 


    Thanks for your post.


    As long as you haven't recorded a receive items transaction or deposit against the order, you could raise separate bills as you receive items and then delete the order when you've received everything.

    Another way to do it, that may be easier, would be to select the order and click change to bill. On the bill, deduct in 'bill' column any items you haven't received, and type the amount for those items in the 'back-order' column instead. This will convert the order to a bill, with only the items you've been billed, and create a new order for the remaining items. If you use receive item transactions, or pay deposits to suppliers, this would be the way you'd need to record the transactions, otherwise, either method would work.