Forum Discussion

LaraJ's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Customer Name not appearing on printed invoice

I am having to work solely from my cloud version of MYOB AccountRight and although I can access my old desktop templates for some reason the customers company name is not appearing on the invoices when I save to PDF .... I don't want to play around right now with trying to create a new template which will look totally different to our old invoices - super annoying because some invoices are printing correctly and others are not.


Please help!

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  • LaraJ's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Also - Why is there not the abilitiy to have additional lines for the adddress on the cloud version - I need to be able to have a line for 

    Attention: Accounts Payable

    or maybe the name of the building the company is in .... if I try to add both to the address field, they run over one line which looks awkward.  Some companies have very particular requirements for their invoices to be addressed.