digsynat's avatar
Contributing Cover User
10 years ago

Reports: Sole Trader PAYG calculation based report

Either on the BAS Reports or a seperate report - have the functionality to calculate the PAYG amount that would be due for the same period. 


PAYG Sole Traders don't pay ourselves via the Payroll function and either have to rely on the ATO calculated amount based on the 4% GDP in a quarterly BAS statement and manually calculate 30% to set aside to offset the difference.


For those of us who pay GST annually, we are not pre-paying the ATO for PAYG therefore a method via the accounting system to calculate the figure as the year progresses would be key. This figure should then display on the dashboard like the GST amount does.


"'Sole Trader PAYG calculation/report"


  • Trent_H123's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I'm a sole trader who would like to know the PAYG owed on an updated basis. Can't find any info. Also a BAS link?

  • Status changed:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had little support from the community since it was submitted, so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages