BASnBusiness's avatar
7 years ago

Bank Feeds: show Last Reconciled date

It is great to have the "Last Updated" details (time/date) for the most recent bank feed update displayed in the bank feed windows. As a second line in this same area, for each account, would it be possible to have the "Last Reconciled" details displayed as well - would be a great time saver when many bank accounts are used!


"Bank reconciliation"

1 Comment

  • In the bank feeds window, the date and time of the window was last updated is displayed under each account. Would it be possible to add the "Last Reconciled Date" immediately below this notification. When you have twenty-plus accounts, it becomes tedious when, in the Bank Feeds window, to need to click on "Reconcile" just to check whether it has/has not been reconciled. I know you can access that info through Company Data Auditor on one screen, but that is of limited use when working through your bank feeds!