Forum Discussion

acj's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Customer sales by month - report

Hi - how do I run a report showing total sales (or revenue) by customer and by month? It only appears to be possible to show one period in the report (current month, YTD etc.) rather than comparing periods. 




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  • Hi acj 


    MYOB Business will only produce sales reports based on the individual period you are running it for as a single value (or transactions that make up that value). The system doesn't have the ability to produce sales reports that will provide a comparison between periods.


    Should that comparison report be required, you would be looking at running a report like the Customer sales (detail) for the individual periods, exporting it to Excel, and combining those reports within Excel. Alternatively, we do have third-party apps that may be able to extend that functionality and offer that reporting. Check out MYOB App Marketplace for a full range of apps available.