Moving from Ace Payroll
We are a small NZ company operating with few employees on all types of employment types. With Ace payroll support ending in 2025, I am looking for suggestions on what to move to. The ideal system would have an easy migration and talk to main accounting systems. Fellow Ace users looking at the same situation, what are your thoughts? Thanks.57Views0likes3Commentsreducing hours pay run
Hi there, posting here as the support staff couldn't work out this particular issue and still waiting for a call back since last week.. A staff member reduced her days from 2 days to 1 day. She complained her annual leave hours reduced. It appears same number of weeks entitlement remains but the hours were reduced. (i.e. her week of entitlement still 3.11 weeks; but hours available was from 46 hours to 22 hours). When she raised the concerns to me, I called the support and we went thru her past pay slips on MYOB software. It was noted that her pay slip on MYOB cloud was 22 hours from her past pay slips as opposed to 46 hours she claimed. Of which, I told her the software and the pdf pay slip could not be altered as it was emailed and sent to her from software. So, she printed her past few pay slips and the hours were 46 hours instead of 22 hours. 1, how to correct, change and record the right amount of annual leave? 2, how can the software automatically alter the past pay slips which were sent out already? was this not supposed to be a legal document? thanks46Views0likes3CommentsIssues with Ace Payroll Cloud Delivery
Hi Everyone, We've been having issues with ACE Payroll Cloud Delivery for 2-3 weeks now. With the last pay-cycle I think the payslip emails were delivered eventually but it took like four days. We're sending off the payslips as usual via Cloud Delivery, Ace Payroll says they're sent, but they don't arrive. Same when sending test emails - Ace Payroll says they're sent but don't arrive. I called the support 0800 number and the support team told us to make sure the IP address for the Cloud Delivery server is unblocked in the firewall but that hasn't helped. I also ran a traceroute as per the reccomendations of the support person I talked to and it's looking like the Cloud Delivery server might not be online? The hops reach Cloudflare servers and then stop... Is someone able to help with this or clarify the situation? Kind regards1.3KViews0likes3CommentsEmployee often works more than 40 hours - leave entitlement
Hi, I'm using Ace Payroll. I have an employee and contract states that the hours will be 40 hours but will need to work more hours when requested. They often work more than a 40 hour week. When setting up their employee details I ticked the "works irregular hours" option since they often work more than an 8 hour day. Is this correct or should I enter in Mon to Fri as 8 hours each day and will Ace Payroll calculate at what rate to pay the annual leave eg more than say 8 hours at $20 per hour or will it just calculate based on a standard 8 hours? Hopefully this makes sense. ThanksSolved1KViews0likes2Comments