Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesRemittance not allowing to Email multi suppliers Just after the current update when clicking print / email remittance Advice - it no longer allows you to select all suppliers in the Email section ? it does in the print section but this looks like a update glitch that needs to be fixed Ability to make a card a customer and supplier Users would like the option to create a card as both a customer and supplier. This idea was originally posted 11 years ago with a total of 23 votes and 17 comments. Sort/edit the order of line items in Sales/Purchases Users would like the ability to sort the items in an invoice/purchase order according to an item code. This idea was originally posted 12 years ago with a total of 81 votes and 62 comments. In Tray: convert Orders to Bills Users would like the option to link In Tray documents to existing Orders and being able to convert them to Bills. This idea was originally posted 10 years ago with a total of 76 votes and 44 comments.