Item Sales Reports
Required field NOT available in AVAILABLE COLUMNS When preparing an ITEM SALES REPORT you cannot add the field that takes the "Description" from the actual invoice. The ITEM Description is available bit often this is edited or enhanced on the actual invoice. To work around this I have to export all the item sales into an external database which is extremely cumbersome. It would also be good if you were able to have self taylored groups of reports in CUSTOM REPORTS Cheers Geoff Young NB Attached report created in MS access19Views0likes2CommentsPayroll Summary Report - Enhancements
This report would be incredibly more useful if we could filter by employee, or even by job number. I'm pretty sure it's the only report that shows the number of hours for each category instead of the dollar value. (Happy to be proven wrong - I could have used such a report several times this week already.)25Views0likes2CommentsQuick access toolbar in reports - Save settings
Hi, I recently discovered that I can add "export to excel" or "email PDF" to the quick access menu when running reports. Yay, finally a positive point for MYOB. Yet, to my dismay, it turns out it doesn't stay there once I close the report. Boohoo. What's the point? Please change this so that if I add something to the quick access toolbar, it stays there! I even tried saving the report as a custom report with it already added to the toolbar but that didn't save it either. Soooo much potential. And if you're making that change, could you please make a way to differentiate between the export to excel and send as excel icons, and export to pdf and send as pdf icons? The two icons are identical, and there is no hover message to say what they are.Standard Ordering of Favourite Reports in MYOB Business
There is no way to customise or at least have the reports listed as "Favorites" display an an organized manner. It appears the reports appear in the order they have been added as favourites which makes them different across every file as they get added in at different times. An enhancement should be introduced to list them in alphabetical order so they are all ordered the same across all MYOB files given the generic name of the reports. A further enhancement would to have the favourite reports be shown when you hover over the menu item Favourite Reports. This would save you having to go into the next screen and then try and find the report.More flexibility required in Report Packs
Hello MYOB Developers, I have attempted to setup a 'Library' of Report Packs to suit my client's various needs. In doing so I firstly created a number of different Custom Reports, for example; Annual Profit and Loss, Quarterly profit and loss, Quarterly profit and loss with last year, etc... When a custom report is created you nominate a name for the report (which must be unique) and a description which does not need to be unique. Upon creating all these different PnL reports I have given each a name that has a meaning to me and is unique. In the description field, I have simply entered Profit and Loss Report. When these reports are included in a Report Pack, they should be using the Description field for the Table of Contents - not the report name as that is the description of the report. While I am on this subject, any files that are imported into a report shows in the Table of Contents as it's file name. This should be editable so that it is meaningful to the client reading the reports rather than simply 'FineName.pdf" which is very unprofessional. Regards, AlanT14Views0likes1CommentElectronic Payments Register and the adjustable column widths on MYOB Business
It would be good to have Electronic Payments Register report (showing supplier's details, BSB and account number for better review purposes) available and the adjustable column widths (e.g., wider supplier column to show their full name) on MYOB Business.35Views0likes1CommentSearch contacts by contactID
Current it's not possible to search contacts via contact ID, please add this feature. Is it me, or is there lots of basic features missing? Searching is sub-par, you can't search then go into a record then back to the search results (you must re-run the search), lots of data can't be exported, report columns can't be expanded to see more text, inventory can't be managed with specific items, the list just goes on... I'm new to MYOB Business, but hopefully I won't regret my decision to move.21Views0likes1CommentJob Profit & Loss Statement Figures Incorrect when Compared to Account Transactions?
Hello, I am currently running a job P&L report for 2 of my job numbers. One one expense account the figure shown is different to the figures shown under the account transactions report for that expense account. All transactions have job numbers allocated, so I can't see why the P&L would be showing incorrect figures.Solved26Views0likes1Comment