Returned Payment - incorrect bank details
I have paid two separate purchases in two separate ABA files. Both payments have been returned to our bank due to incorrect bank details. I need to pay the invoices again correctly, but how do I allocate the deposit in our bank feeds correctly. This will ensure my bank rec matches. TIA :-)Solved24Views0likes5CommentsError Uploading ABA Payroll File to ANZ - Invalid Account Number for Item 39
We had a new employee commence work recently and today we tried to pay them for the first time. When uploading the ABA File into ANZ, there is an error that says there is an "Invalid Account Number for Item 39." We went back and deleted the transaction and tried again with all employees apart from our new employee and it worked as normal. However, when trying again with just our new employee, ANZ rejected the payroll file again with the same error. We ended up paying him as a "Pay Anybody" and it went through fine so we assume it is an error with MYOB/ the ABA file, but obviously we would like it solve this issue for future pays. Thanks in advanceSolved2.6KViews0likes3Comments