5 years ago
MYOB Client Accounting - Client file import error
I am trying to import an mye file from the new MYOB Essentials into MYOB AE. When I attempt to Import the file through the 'manage client file imports' section i get teh following error:
"Invalid file format, please use the appropriate file format and try again."
I can confirm the file is definitley an mye, and that I have checked all of the following based on article ID 38698 which i have already gone through:
"To resolve this error, prior to the exporting transactions ensure that:
- All Bank Accounts have an Account Code in the Chart of Accounts
- All accounts listed in the Chart of Accounts have Numeric account codes.
- The sum of all transactions is equal to 0 and your Debit and Credit columns balance.
If you're exporting from an Essentials Accounting or AccountRight file, you'll also need to ensure:
- All transactions in the period have been reconciled and there are no transactions allocated to the 3-8000 Allocate me (withdrawal) and 3-8001 Allocate me (deposit) accounts."
Would there be any other reason for the error not listed above?