Forum Discussion

Susantha's avatar
Contributing User
25 days ago

My ob is not working properly

  1. In MYOB accounting right V.19.5, From last week it's not working properly. when I search anything its loading and get too much time to generate the data meantime it will refreshing the data. the refreshing is continuously happen loop mood.
  2. Every time I need to close the MYOB and login again at that time there is a error "Unable to open file; file may be locked or in use, or access privilege may be incorrect". or "user has already log in another location".

If anyone can help me? because My works are now pending.. 


  • Hi Susantha 

    The problems may relate to a file corruption and the old versions are no longer supported by MYOB. If you can log in, then click on File, Verify Company File as this may show if there is a problem. If so, then sometimes you will be able to work out how to fix it, or if not, you may have to restore a previous un-corrupted backup and re-enter your data. 

    There is a company called FGH Tables that can sometimes (not always) fix these problems for a fee.

    The error message about being locked usually relates to a Lock0001.flk file that should automatically be deleted when you log out of MYOB but sometimes isn't. Try turning your computer off and on and then search for this file before you do anything else and delete it if it's still on your system.



  • Susantha's avatar
    Contributing User

    Liz, We are using the saver to store the MYOB data, this problem raises when I try to log in to saver through MYOB. If I get a copy and paste in desktop that data, then I can log in to MYOB without any interruption. whether it's related to any network issue? 


    • Liz_A's avatar
      Super User

      Hi Susantha 

      I am not an IT person so I'm not sure if it is related to a network issue but I know the MYOB programme has to be installed locally so you may be correct that the access to the network is causing the problems. There may be someone more experienced on here who can help.

      Other than that, I can only suggest FGH Tables as I mentioned before.

