Hi fiPaulManser
Thank you for your post. I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the Community Forum, I hope you find it a valuable resource.
Some reason why the transaction does not appear on reconciliation page is that the Statement date is before the transaction transaction date or the transaction date are already reconciled. I would suggest checking these two things to see if this is what causing the issue.
I would also recommend recording a future-dated bank reconciliation.
- In the Reconcile Accounts window enter the bank statement date as something like 1/12/2026
- Enter the calculated balance in the closing balance field so the Out of Balance is $0.00
- Click Reconcile
- Undo the future dated reconciliation
- Check if those transactions now appear in the Reconcile accounts window
If this step does not work on your end. May I please request to send me the details of your account so I can investigate this?
You can send me a Private Message with this details.
- Serial Number
- Business Name
- Your first and last name
- Email Address associated with your account.
- The last 4 digit of your bank account number.
Note that sensitive information cannot be posted in the Forum.
I will wait for your response.