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EXO provides several features that can help you manage pre-payments to creditors before goods are received. Here are some steps that may help:
Create a new pre-payment creditor account in EXO. This account will be used to record the pre-payment transactions.
Create a purchase order for the goods that you want to pre-pay. In the Purchase Order screen, set the Creditor to the pre-payment creditor account you created in step 1.
Enter the amount of the pre-payment in the Payment tab of the Purchase Order screen. Select the pre-payment creditor account as the bank account and enter the amount.
Save the Purchase Order. This will create a pre-payment transaction in EXO.
When you receive the goods, create a goods receipt in EXO. In the Goods Receipt screen, link the goods receipt to the pre-payment transaction by selecting the pre-payment creditor account as the creditor.
Process the goods receipt as usual. The system will automatically deduct the pre-payment amount from the total amount due to the creditor.
When you receive an invoice from the creditor, create a purchase invoice in EXO. The system will automatically apply the pre-payment amount to the invoice and calculate the remaining amount due.
Process the purchase invoice as usual. Once you've paid the remaining amount due, the pre-payment transaction will be closed.
By following these steps, you can use EXO to manage pre-payments to creditors before goods are received. If you need further assistance, you can consult EXO's user manual or contact EXO support for help.